O&M Manuals

Take a look at our style of O&M manuals below:

Select the following and see how it changes the diagram above:

All your building drawings should look like this: layered, structured and managed with one drawing per floor.

We can convert your AutoCAD .dwg files into layered pdfs viewable on free pdf viewing software/apps.

Why you need O&M Manuals


Building Records and CAD drawings are an essential part of a building's portfolio and play an invaluable role in all project work.

Time & Cost Saving:

Records are often “lost in time” increasing:

  • risks to the safe H&S management of the building
  • future survey, testing, commissioning and performance analysis of the systems installed

Facilitated Management:

Gives the opportunity to gather and retain important building information filtered to retain only relevant records.

A Quick Comparison

Take a look at the differences between the different O&M manual options:

PDF Manual
PDF Manual with Layered Drawings
Online Manual
Cheapest Option
Comprehensive information
Links within the documentation
Drawings linked to your Drawing Schedule
Can open all master files where provided
Interchangeable Drawing Layers
Online Access
Search Engine
Multiple Users
Restricted Access for Selected Users
Updates History

PDF Manual:

  • Cheapest Option
  • Comprehensive Information
  • Links within the documentation
  • Drawings linked to your Drawing Schedule
  • Can open all master files where provided

PDF Manual with Drawing Layers:

  • All of the above
  • Interchangeable Drawing Layers

Online Manual:

  • All of the above
  • Online Access
  • Search Engine
  • Multiple Users
  • Restricted Access for Selected Users
  • Updates History

PPM schedules can also be included.


Few buildings maximise the value of record information with respect to future works and ongoing safety. BIM and the Health and Safety Files are only as good as the information provided.

We categorise all the building information and produce a detailed portfolio of assets, certification, manufacturer’s literature, maintenance schedules, operational instructions, energy performance, H&S risk & control measures, contacts, warranties and so on. We re-layer the CAD files into a usable format to enable you to see hidden services such as ductwork, pipework, electrak, cable routes, controls, furniture and every building element. We cost-effectively manage your churn data by updating the CAD files with changes made by your sub-contractors. Everything is converted into an electronic format for your convenience so that it can be viewed using standard free software via your laptop, PC, tablet or phone.

With the web-based version, passwords and SSL certification (https) are standard to protect your data, although it’s your data so you can download the master files whenever you like (CAD being particularly important).

We are qualified Building Services Engineers who know what we are looking at. We filter out much of the irrelevant information often found within project information and as Authorising Engineers we understand high risk services such as steam, HV, Confined Spaces, Lifts and Ventilation. We constantly see the results of lost and poorly managed record information.

We also operate Pulse Operations and Maintenance Services:

Pulse OM

Please see the following demo of how your building assets can be managed:

Pulse Demo


  • The more information you provide, the more comprehensive the manual
  • Information is added to our basic structure which includes generic information on maintenance, safety, operation and management guidelines
  • We can, if requested, visit site, compile asset lists, retrieve manufacturer’s information, compile PPM Task Sheets, and populate the manual with missing data but valuable information can be lost in time and expensive to retrieve i.e commissioning figures, test certificates, warranties etc
  • The greatest opportunities exist at project completion

You can view our pricing structure here:

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